Lifestyle Design Coach
As Seen On...
““Gabrielle has been an amazing wealth of knowledge and support in helping me to overcome my digestive issues.  I have had chronic problems for the past 30 years with my digestion.  After working with her for 2.5 months, I am now off of all medications,  and I am simply eating healthy foods with only a few supplements.  She has been there at every turn and made this process easy.  She brings her support in a holistic manner, allowing me to see my own inner issues and address them.  She has also given me the tools to continue working on my health on my own.  I highly recommend working with Gabrielle, and empowering yourself to take control and address any health or nutritional problems you may be facing.  With sincere thank and huge gratitude!””
Read more client triumphs here.
Nice to Meet you!
Hi! I’m Gabrielle. It has been one long, wild, adventure, filled with brilliant gems gathered from various learning opportunities. I am infinitely grateful to all my friends and those in my family that have been and continue to be, principal players in my evolution.
I have thrived through much and the truth is, THERE ARE NO RULES, ONLY CHOICES. © We live in a world of cause and effect and if there is one thing we can count on, it is this, that our choices dictate how bumpy, smooth, or mountainous our journey will be. And... just because we may choose to climb a mountain, means something other than hardship. Perhaps the mountain is an adventure that stimulates and evokes an internal fire, bringing change and transformation as you look out over the peaks and dip into the valleys. Why does or should any of the journey be “bad?” Letting go can be breathtakingly beautiful and filled with inexplicable joy.
Whether it’s our relationship to food, people, life, love, you name it, it’s all the same. Typically the view finders we wear offer the same value of perspective in each category of life. Which is why, when we experience significant change or a radical perspective shift, everything looks different!
Anything and everything can be healed. In one of my sons favorite movies, The Little Engine That Could, Rusty reminds us, “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t. Either way, you’re right.” Which leads me right back to the philosophy in which I live my life and teach my sons to live theirs,
'There are no rules, only choices.’ ©
Only cause & effect.
Let love guide you... love of Self, that is...
When we make the choice to love ourselves fiercely, that is when we can show up as a happy, healthy, balanced person, mother, father, wife, husband, sister, brother, lover and friend. It is only when we show up to truly love ourselves first (which means making hard choices at times) that we empower our sons and daughters to LOVE THEMSELVES. It is ONLY in this space that confidence will be nurtured and the true spirit of individuality be supported.
When I show up to take care of myself, with love as the juice that grows the roots of our family, so do my children. That means I look at our nutrition, our living environment, the state of our planet, our community and the world around us, through the lens of “what choice can I make in this moment that will empower the best in self?" and therefore the best in and for my children, the people around us, our community, and that which extends across the globe.
How we choose to live is a direct reflection of our love of self. How can we show up to the world if we are unable to show up for the most important person, ourself.
The philosophy of grassroots movements is in essence, what we as individuals do best to live by, in that, it only takes ONE person to create a ripple effect. ONE Life. ONE Love. That love begins with self.
I have spent the last 15 years (although my journey began long before) dedicated to a path of self discovery and sharing that passion with others, helping people achieve incredible results and lifetime transformation. (Read testimonials here)
As a mother, I am even more dedicated to this path, inspired to be part of community that helps build a vibrant future; not only for my sons, but for their children, and their childrens children, and so it goes, on and on.
It is my belief that FOOD is the quintessential alchemical KEY to total transformation. It is how, at the most basic level, we show self love, heal, and activate our mind, body and spirit. What we put into our body is a direct reflection of the microcosmic (personal) world around us.
Knowing how our food is grown and where it comes from brings a deep awareness to both oneself and to the footprints we leave along the way. Cause & effect... body, mind, planet.
That is why I created The ONE Fudge Raw Chocolate Bar, Sun & Moon Organics and the Healthy Product Hub™ , A Global Network for Eco Conscious Shoppers & Entrepreneurs. Along with, of course, my Holistic Health Coaching that specializes in powerful food technologies, bio-individuality and emotional release.
All of the products I have created and the products that I support are eco, green and sustainable. The products & coaching programs I created were born out of the desire to share the secrets I have acquired throughout many years of study, life experience, and training with Masters.
Whether you want to imbibe food and or create food or products for others to imbibe and experience, it all comes down to the same thing, what is great for the body, is great for the mind, is great for the spirit and therefore great for the world.
What Her Clients Have Achieved
Transforming Subconscious Habit Patterns
Self Love & Empowerment
Confidence To Move Forward with Your Dreams
Healing Chronic Health Issues & Disease
Healing Addictive Patterns & Weight Issues
Acceptance of Body Image
Letting Go Of Shame & Guilt Around Sex
Cultivating Your Authentic Expression
Getting Clear On Goals & Life Path
Professional Bio
Gabrielle is a Raw Nutritionist, Transformational & Executive Coach. She has 20 years of experience in coaching people to their optimal state of well being having started out as a professionally trained dancer for 25 years and a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Fitness Association. After healing her own chronic health issues, depression, and addictive patterns, Gabrielle went on to help many heal from their own chronic health and emotional challenges. Her ability to help people overcome and transform their lives is derived from her ability to help people re-discover their authentic self by leading them on a journey through holistic nutrition and radical self love.
Gabrielle is an Ambassador at the Body Mind Institute, with David Wolfe, and has founded the program, Prosperity of Wellbeing™. She has studied with Masters in the fields of Nutrition, Longevity, Superfoods, Herbalism, Medical Qi Gong, Psychology, NLP, Life Coaching and Landmark. She has been asked by various institutes to create nutrition programs, and has lead seminars across the United States and Canada. Gabrielle’s highly acclaimed program, The Alchemy of Self™ has changed the lives of many people. Gabrielle, considered a Celebrity in her field, has been featured as an expert on National Television with shows on E! TV and WE TV. She also created two organic, raw, vegan, health food lines, The ONE Fudge Chocolate Bar and Sun & Moon Organics Superfood Mixes, that are sold online and in Whole Foods Markets. As an Executive Coach, Gabrielle has also founded the comprehensive program for entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners through her 'Global Network of Eco Conscious Shoppers & Entrepreneurs', Healthy Product Hub™ Product Launch Program, that offers a complete step-by-step guide on how to launch a healthy food and or eco green product into the market place. She is also a proud mother of twin boys living in the NY countryside with her sons and rescued kitties. In her free time Gabrielle volunteers for a non-profit rescue organization, CATS. Gabrielle has a private practice offering her coaching programs via Skype, globally as well as in person for VIP Mentorships.
Gabrielle Brick