Recipes, Musings & More.


The Power to Put You in the Mood..

This is one of my favorite root vegetables. That's right, a root vegetable with the power to put you in the mood... to lift depression, fire up the libido (or chill it out), give sustainable energy, and regulate the endocrine system. Curious yet??

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Nutrition for Babies, Raw Food, Health & Beauty Gabrielle Brick Nutrition for Babies, Raw Food, Health & Beauty Gabrielle Brick

Keratosis Pilaris or Chicken Skin Can Be EASLIY Remedied.

Keratosis Pilaris, also known as chicken skin, can be EASLIY remedied. Keratosis Pilaris is a skin disorder where little white or red bumps show up on the skin, usually on the backs of arms and legs, at the hair follicle. Keratosis Pilaris or KP affects about 50% of the worlds population and most of what I have read talks about how this skin disorder is a genetic  issue or autosomal dominant gene, similar to the brown versus blue eye color phenomenon. While this may be true, I believe all things (including genes) are subject to change.

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