Gabrielle Brick

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Keratosis Pilaris or Chicken Skin Can Be EASLIY Remedied.

Keratosis Pilaris, also known as chicken skin, can be EASLIY remedied. Keratosis Pilaris is a skin disorder where little white or red bumps show up on the skin, usually on the backs of arms and legs, at the hair follicle. Keratosis Pilaris or KP affects about 50% of the worlds population and most of what I have read talks about how this skin disorder is a genetic  issue or autosomal dominant gene, similar to the brown versus blue eye color phenomenon. While this may be true, I believe all things (including genes) are subject to change.

Before we get into that... what is Keratosis Pilaris exactly? Keratosis Pilaris  is an over abundance or excess of KERATIN in the skin. Keratin is a naturally occurring protein in the SKIN.

'The excess keratin, which is cream colored, surrounds and entraps the hair follicles in the pores. This causes the formation of hard plugs (process known as hyperkeratinization). Bearing only cosmetic consequence, the condition most often appears as a proliferation of tiny hard bumps that are seldom sore or itchy. Though people with keratosis pilaris experience this condition year-round, it is during the colder months, when moisture levels in the air are lower, that the problem can become exacerbated and the goose bumps are apt to look and feel more pronounced in color and texture.

Many KP bumps contain an ingrown hair that has coiled. This is a result of the keratinized skin's "capping off" the hair follicle, preventing the hair from exiting. The hair grows encapsulated inside the follicle.'¹

It is also possible that one may have a Vitamin A deficiency as well if you do indeed have Keratosis Pilaris.

Now, here is where I want to push the envelope - I believe that Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is totally curable. If you are suffering from KP, that statement may jar you, even piss you off. However, if your belief is like mine in that we create all our own suffering through that in which we ignore, deny, stuff, over do, and abuse, then please, read on.

I HAD Keratosis Pilaris over 20 years ago and completely cured myself.

There are three simple steps to help remedy Keratosis Pilaris ... while they are simple, they may require a shift in perspective or even an all out ego death, in which reality as you know it crumbles and your only choice is to accept the truth and rebuild.

Since KP is quite literally an EXCESS OF KERATIN, an insoluble protein produced by amino acids. Keratin is found in high protein foods like meat and dairy. When we have any ailment, the first place to look is at what we are putting INSIDE our bodies as it will always show up on the outside. Now I am not saying become a vegan - I am simply pointing out a fact that your diet directly affects your physical, mental, and spiritual being.

KP can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and down right annoying leading to high dermatology bills. If changing your diet allowed you to feel HAPPY in your own skin, would you make the shift?

If you follow these three simple steps perhaps you will have the same experience I did and completely heal Keratosis Pilaris.

Three Simple Steps:

1. Cut out Meat and dairy

That may seem unreasonable, however, I promise there is plenty of protein in many other foods that will keep from building an excess of Keratin causing Keratosis Pilaris. At least for the time being this is something to do in order to heal.

2. DRY Skin Brush Twice A Day

Add this to your morning and evening bathroom routine. Make sure you brush in circular motions and hard enough to make the skin red or pink and gentle enough to simply stimulate circulation. The whole point is to slough off dead skin cells, open the pores, and stimulate blood circulation.

3. Massage High Quality Oil All Over Your Body

Keratosis Pilaris is also apparent due to very dry skin in conjunction with the keratin excess and dominant gene. I have found that the BEST oils to use are simple and organic like COCONUT OIL, JOJOBA, or AVOCADO oil. The KEY is to massage the oil into the body when it is moist, just out of the shower. Only dry off partially and then massage the pure oil over your entire body.

You may also want to consider switching to a high quality drinking water as dehydration begins on the inside. Having said that, our skin also experiences dryness due to outside elements like chlorinated water, dyes and perfumes on clothing, temperature and environment.

If you have any questions or comments please post below. As always I wish you only the best in your self.